Tales of Suspense 40 CGC 4.5 1963 2nd Iron Man 1st Gold Armor Avengers Q9 444 cm

Tales of Suspense 40 CGC 4.5 1963 2nd Iron Man 1st Gold Armor Avengers Q9 444 cm

Tales of Suspense 40 CGC 4.5 1963 2nd Iron Man 1st Gold Armor Avengers Q9 444 cm
I sell Golden (Superman #1 and Batman #1), Silver (Amazing Fantasy #15), and Bronze age key book (Hulk #181)... Take a look at the large scan below..... Book is now over 60 years old! CGC books like this are normally higher dollar items... Why take a chance with ebayers with under 1,000 feedback?
Tales of Suspense 40 CGC 4.5 1963 2nd Iron Man 1st Gold Armor Avengers Q9 444 cm

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